Blocks and slabs of Marble
Discover the excellence of our Botticino Marble quarries, authentic jewels of the Italian marble industry. Located in the picturesque province of Brescia, in the heart of the Nuvolera quarrying basin, these own quarries represent a true first in the national panorama, offering one of the most admired varieties of marble in the world.
Botticino marble, which originated some 190 million years ago in the Lias age, encapsulates the thousand-year history of a tropical marine environment. Its characteristic ivory/white coloration and fascinating brown veins are the result of sediment stratification, making Botticino marble valuable and extremely elegant.
The high chemical and physical quality of this material makes it an ideal option for a variety of uses. Its homogeneous chemical composition, mainly consisting of calcium and magnesium carbonates, ensures strength, hardness and low porosity, preserving its beauty over time. Its resistance to temperature fluctuations and impact, combined with high abrasion resistance, makes it extremely suitable for all types of architectural construction, in both interior and exterior spaces.
At our Botticino Marble quarries, located in the Nuvolera (BS) area, we adopt the open-pit method to extract this precious material. Using latest generation technologies and in the respect of strict safety regulations, we strive to ensure high quality and quantity of production.
From our sites, we quarry Botticino Marble in its two different qualities, Botticino Semiclassico and Botticino Fiorito, offering a wide range of colors that meet the needs of a constantly evolving global market.
Allow yourself to be won over by the beauty and versatility of Lazzarini Marmi’s Botticino marble, a safe choice for architectural projects of great value and refinement.

Our warehouses

Each warehouse refers to a specific quarry and here more than 30.000 square meters of botticino marble and other italian varieties are stored and sorted, always available in prompt delivery.
Other marble blocks come from numerous external quarries, both Italian and international.

We extract 3.000 tons of marble per month
We are owner of three quarries, the first one of 3.000 square meters, the second one of 5.000 square meters and the last one of 7.000 square meters; we also collaborate with many external italian and international quarries which operate exclusively for lazzarini marmi.
In the heart of the Brescia’s Prealps, Lazzarini Marmi quarries the fine blocks of Marble Botticino, a natural stone renowned for its beauty and versatility. In the municipality of Nuvolera, our quarries hold unique treasures.
Blocks are quarried using latest generation technology machines, without neglecting the safety of our workers.
After settings of the benches, where large slices of marble will be obtained, the use of diamond wires allow us to obtain smaller and more defined marble blocks. This method ensures a clean and controlled cut, preserving the quality of the material.
The diamond wires are sprayed with water because in this way the same are cooled during cutting so that they does not overheat or even break.
This wire consists of many and small beads covered with artificial diamonds that give it its name, so it is an extremely hard and abrasive material.
When the block has been delineated, it will be loaded onto trucks with the help and use of bulldozers equipped with buckets, and once it has been positioned and loaded onto the trailer, it will be ready to go downstream to our warehouses.
After extraction, if necessary, our marble blocks undertake a process of squaring and cutting using single-blade or single-wire machines.
After this first step, the marble blocks are introduced with trolleys inside frames where blade suits transform the marble block into marble slab at 2cm and 3cm thickness.
Currently, we have two gangsaw cutting at 2cm and 1 frame reinforced at 3cm thick.
Processing Botticino marble slabs is an art that requires skill and attention to details.
After cutting, the slabs undertake a resin and screening process to ensure their strength during the next material processing stages.
Finally, marble slabs surface is completed trough a polishing or honing process so as to enhance the chromatic characteristics of Botticino Marble to a greater extent, as well as to grant more durability.
Our Botticino Marble slabs can be used in a wide range of applications, from stairs to interior and exterior cladding and flooring. With several finishes available, including polished, honed, brushed, and more, you are sure to find the perfect solution for any design project.
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Choose from our 24 types of Marble!
Explore our unique collection of 24 marble types, where each choice offers impeccable quality and unique shades of color. Find the perfect marble block or marble slab for your project!
Discover our marbles